How to avoid diabetes in the early stage?

Published on 1 October 2022 at 14:56


  • Diabetes symptoms
  • Diabetes type 1
  • Diabetes type 2
  • Hypoglycaemia
  • Insulin and Glucose.
  • Diabetes complication
  • Diabetes prevention or treatment
  • Final thought



Diabetes symptoms:

Common diabetes symptoms will occur if your body stores the glucose and did not burn it, as a mitigation measure to eliminate the stored glucose these symptoms include:


  • Feeling more tired than usual.
  • Increased urination.
  • Increased hunger.
  • Blurred eyesight    
  • cuts and wounds take longer to heal.
  • Losing weight.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Fruity-smelling breath.


Your body will try to eliminate the high level of blood glucose through urine which will let you feel thirsty.


In some cases, these mentioned diabetes symptoms will not occur in type 2 diabetes, and sometimes diabetes or obesity will occur for genetic reasons and inheritance.


See: (How to lose weight fast)


Ignoring the diabetes symptoms without treatment can lead to serious fatal coma.


Diabetes type 1:

Diabetes type 1 occurred when your body can’t control the level of your blood glucose as there is not enough insulin produced to control these levels, and you need to take insulin daily to control the blood glucose level.


If your children are diagnosed with diabetes type1 they need to be monitored by a diabetes specialist until the age of 18, and they need insulin injections and a proper diet.


Diabetes type 1 can be diagnosed in childhood or early adulthood, for adult diagnosis and treatment may not recognize as quickly as in children which can cause a delay in treatment.



Diabetes type 2

Diabetes type 2 symptoms are hard to spot since they develop slower than diabetes type 1, especially in the early stages and this type of diabetes affect many major organs including the heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidney.


Diabetes type 2 is caused by two major reasons:

  • the pancreas is not producing enough insulin to manage blood sugar levels.
  • or the body cells in liver muscles and fat are resisting the insulin and these cells are not taking enough sugar.


Diabetes type 2 symptoms develop slowly over time and a person can live for years without knowing that he or she is infected with diabetes type 2, and the symptoms are as follow:


  • Increased thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Increased hunger.
  • Unintended weight loss.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Slow healing sores.
  • Frequent infection.
  • Tanging in hands or feet.


see also; /How to keep eyes Healthy.   


Evidence and experiments show that diabetes type 2 can be treated by eating healthy meals, losing weight and being active, and doing exercise, which will help to lower the blood sugar level otherwise there will be a need for diabetes medication or insulin therapy.



Hypoglycemia (a hypo):

Hypo happened when your blood glucose level falls too low as below (3.5mmol/L), and you can identify it if you witness the following sign:

  • Concentrating issues.
  • Blurred sight.
  • Feeling shaky.


A hypo can occur if you delay your meal, or do not have enough carbohydrates in your meals, in addition reducing your insulin dose or taking too much insulin can also lead to a hypo.


A hypo can be treated by eating or drinking something sugary like glucose sweets, jelly babies, a small can of Pepsi or cola, or fruit juice.


Avoid fatty food like chocolate or cake which can increase the blood glucose level.


After 10 minutes from treatment, you need to check the blood glucose level, and if it’s still low, then eat more sugary items.


Be aware that during a hypo treatment you may feel some hypo symptoms, but always rely on the measurement rather than the feeling.


Insulin and Glucose:

When the pancreas detects sugar in your bloodstream, they start to produce insulin which allows the body cells to take the sugar from the blood and eventually reduce the production of insulin when the sugar amount dropped in the bloodstream.


The human body requires sugar to build up the muscles and tissue, and this sugar came from two main sources: food and the liver.


 The insulin will help your body cells to absorb the blood glucose and when the blood glucose drops below the normal range the liver will break the stored glycogen into glucose to keep the blood glucose within the normal range.


In Diabetes type 2, the above procedure will not work normally and instead of glucose being absorbed by human body cells the glucose remains in the bloodstream which causes more insulin produced from the pancreas continuously but not able to reduce the blood glucose levels to normal range, which will damage these cells and the pancreas can’t produce more insulin to meet the increasing body demand of sugar.


On the other hand, in diabetes type 1, the human body mistakenly destroys the pancreas cells leaving the body with no insulin.


Diabetes complication

  • Diabetes associated with heart disease, heart stroke, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.


  • High blood sugar levels can eventually damage the body’s nervous system which results in tingling, numbness, burning, pain, and losing the feeling of your body limbs.


  • Diabetes can cause irregular heart rhythms and nerve damage digestive system which leads to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, and nerve damage can cause erectile dysfunction.


  • Diabetes may lead to chronic kidney disease or irreversible end-stage kidney disease, which evenly will require kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant.


  • Diabetes can cause serious eyes disease such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retina blood vessel damage which will cause blindness in the end.


  • Diabetics are more susceptible than ordinary people to skin problems like bacterial and fungal infections.


  • Diabetes led to slow healing, which will be an issue with wound, cut, and blisters and eventually can cause toe, foot, or leg amputation.


  • Additional diabetes problem includes hearing impairment, sleep apnea, and dementia (memory and thinking skills).


Diabetes prevention or treatment

  • The main thing to mitigate diabetes is to avoid diabetes in the first place and to do that, you need to maintain good practices and keep a healthy lifestyle.


  • The risk of diabetes type 2 usually indicates by fat distributed in the abdomen rather than hips and thighs.


  • People with a low level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and a high level of triglycerides are at high risk to become diabetic.


  • The lack of activities and exercise will let you to in weight which will put you at risk of diabetes.


  • People who are 40 years old and more are more likely to become diabetic, especially diabetes type 2.


  • Prediabetes people who have high blood sugar levels above the normal range but are not yet classified as diabetes are at high risk to become diabetic if they didn’t treat these high blood levels.


  • Pregnant women who developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy can become diabetic either during pregnancy or after the baby’s birth if the baby weighs more than 8 pounds.


  • Dark skin on your arm and neck indicates that your body resisting the insulin.


  • You will get diabetes especially type 2 if your parent or sibling has type 2 diabetes.


Final thought

Avoid being diabetic requires a healthy lifestyle which includes:


  • Eating healthy food that includes vegvegetablesruit, low fat, and calories food and high fiber, and avoid fast food sugary concentrated food and drinks.


  • Regularly perform an aerobic activity such as fast walking, jogging or swimming try to do some sport at frequent times and avoid being inactive for a long amount of time especially if you have an office job for extended hours, try to walk and exercise every 20 or 30 minutes.



  • Losing extra weight such as 7% to 10% of your weight will help to minimize the risk to become diabetic especially if you are a prediabetes


If you have an obesity issue and you tried hard to lose weight but, without any noticeable success try EXIPURE which is helped many men and women around the world.


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