How to keep eyes healthy
- How the eyes work.
- What food is good for healthy eyes.
- Health tips for eyes
- Most common eye disease and treatment
- Final thoughts
How the eyes work:
The sunlight when hitting any object at daytime its reflected from the object toward our eyes, and the pupils receive the incoming light and it’s very sensitive to light, which means that it’s open and close based on the amount of light received.
Pupils will open wider in dark areas to receive as much light as possible, as you may notice people’s eyes in darks rooms have wider pupils than usual.
The colored parts of the eyes are called iris and it controls the opening of pupils when light comes to eyes, by set of muscles.
After the light passes through pupils, the lens behind the pupils focusses the light into the retina, which is a group of light sensitive cells at the back of eyeball, which convert the reflected image to the optic nerve.
Then the optic nerve, which is a thick bundle of nerve fibers attached to the back of the eye, and it sends the received visual information to the brain.
What food is good for healthy eyes:
Good healthy food can maintain your: overall body health and eyes as well.
Food like:
- Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and collards.
- Sea food such as tuna and salmon.
- Eggs, nuts and bean
- Citrus fruits like orange and lemon.
Maintaining healthy meals beside its benefit to eyes health, it will help maintain a healthy weight which prevent health problem such obesity diabetes or even in worst cases heart issues.
food rich with vitamins can keep your eyes healthy.
vitamin A can be found in:
- Carrot
- Sweet potatoes
- Mango
- Red pepper
Vitamin c can be found in:
- Ornge
- Lemon
- Peaches
- Strawberry
- Tomatoes
- Red bell pepper
- grapefruits
Vitamin E can be found in:
- Avocados
- Almond
- Peanut butter
- Wheat germ
- Sunflower seed
Zink can be found in:
- Lima beans
- Kidney beans
- Lean red meat
- Oysters
- Poultry
- Fortified
- Cereals
Omega -3 can be found in:
- Sardines
- Tuna
- Salmon
- Trout
- Halibut
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Health tips for eyes
- Smoke can cause major health problems to your body and for your eyes it can cause cataracts, optic nerve damage and macular degeneration.
- Research has shown that smoking can develop some eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, cataract, and optic nerve damage.
- Staring at computer or cellphone screen for long period can causes some eye issue such as:
- Eyestrain
- Dry eyes
- Headache
- Long distance vision issue
- Blurry vision
- Neck, back and shoulder pain.
- Make your back straight and computer monitor with the level of your eyes.
- Use anti-glare screens to a voided glare from windows and light fixtures.
- Practice blinking your eyes more often when you staring to screen for long time.
- drink more water and rest your eyes for at least 20 minutes.
- If your job requires you to sit for extended periods of time take a regular break for 15 minutes and try to look away from the screen toward a long distance.
- Family eye disease history can play a big role of developing inherited eyes diseases.
- Washing your hands thoroughly before putting on your contact lens can prevent your eyes from getting infected.
Most common eye disease and treatment
- Glaucoma: glaucoma caused by the increasing pressure of fluids in our eyes which eventually could damage the optic nerve.
- Glaucoma can be treated either by eye drops, Lazer treatment or
- Cataract cloud the lens duo to the clump of protein in the eyes which will cause symptom such as:
- Color fade
- Nigh vision issues
- Light sensitivity
- Halo around the light
- double vision
- cataracts can be treated by prescription eyes glasses or surgery.
Pink eyes:
Pink eyes can be occurred because:
- virus
- fungi
- bacteria
- Toxin
And can cause the following symptoms:
- Water eyes
- Blurry vision
- Itching
- Burning
- Sensitivity to light
Pink eyes can be treated by antiviral medication.
In normal eyes vision the cornea bends the light into the retina at the back of the eye, but with eye vision issues such nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism light is bent incorrectly which caused the blurred vision.
In Nearsightedness or myopia, you eyeball become longer than normal eye or the cornea curve too sharply, which cause the light rays to focus in front of retina and caused distance vision to become blurry and objects that are close to you can be seen clear but in the other hands far objects from you will become blurry.
Nearsightedness ca be treated either by wearing eyeglasses, contact lens that will counteract the increased curve of the cornea or the increased length of eyes.
Another treatment available is refractive surgery that will change the shape of cornea to focus the light Cleary and correctly.
farsightedness or hyperopia your eyeball become shorter than normal or flat cornea, which will cause the light to focus behind the retina instead of on it and this will make near vision blurry and, in some cases, will far objects as well.
Treatment available for farsightedness are the use eyeglasses, contact lens and refractive surgery such as LASIK, LASEK and PRK
In astigmatism the cornea or lens had different shape than normal and cause the light rays not to bend refract correctly and causes the blurry vision for far and near vision because the light rays either fall short of the retina or behind it.
As mentioned before, with farsightedness and nearsightedness astigmatism can be treated after doctor consulting by eyeglasses, contact lens and refractive surgery also available.
Dry eye Syndrome:
Dry eyes or lack of tears can cause pain and blurry vision. Dry eyes occurred due to problems with tear formation, tear duct, eyelids or side effect of medication.
Final thoughts:
Our eyes are one of our precious five sense which are bless from God and we should take more care to protect and maintain its healthy during the span time of our life.
Therefore, we should always take care of our daily habits and observe any eyes disease symptoms that may occur and affect our vision and check doctor on early stage and not to ignore the major health problems sign.
And last but not least we should always maintain a healthy diet system and do workout because it will keep us in good shape and maintain healthy lifestyle.
I hope you enjoy and found this article useful for you, and please share this with your friends and loved ones and of course don’t hesitate to put you comments or any onion that you need to share with me.
Stay healthy and chill!!!
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